Path to Proper Mobility
Have you ever wondered if you or your child was doing every day exercises with proper form?
With my “Path to” videos I go over the proper form step-by-step of our most common workout moves like a plank, push-up, squat and lunges. Breaking it down helps to learn how to isolate different muscle groups and feel the right muscles when you perform those bigger moves in the gym. Your education on these basic, every-day moves will carry-over to much more complex moves like: mountain climbers, step ups, skaters, etc because you will understand how to activate the right muscles for proper form in every workout. Sign up today for unlimited access to these videos accessible on all devices. Watch them over and over again until you perfect the movements and also enjoy the benefits of a great 20-30min full body workout.
These videos are ideal for the high school athlete and the every-day exerciser who wants to make sure they are working out the right way.